Application for 4 no. dwellings, place of worship and highways improvement, Kerry Road, Abermule.
Part of this site lies within the settlement boundary in the Unitary Development Plan and in the emerging Local Development Plan. The remainder lies adjacent to the aforementioned development plan settlement boundaries.
The application proposes 4 units comprising 2 houses and 2 bungalows in an area of proven housing need and high market activity.
The application also proposes significant highways improvements in an area of considerably sub-standard junctions and footway connections between an existing village core and its outlying existing residential estates.
The final part of the proposal is the provision of a small church and parking areas for a Christian community with a long established representation associated with the area.
To comment on this application please use the consultation response form below. If you have any queries about this scheme that you would like clarified before commenting, please email us on
A hard copy of the proposed planning application can be viewed at our offices at 29 Broad Street, Newtown.